Sunday, June 3, 2012

Kickboxin' like a pro!

For a long time I've been wanting to try a new sport. Luckily, summer break finally gave me the time and opportunity to explore a new activity - kickboxing! 
Actually, my very adventurous and sometimes crazy friend, Jocelyn, half forced me to sign up for a class with her and that's how I got my first kickboxing experience.

The place where we got our lesson was called Tiger Schulmann's Mixed Martial Arts and they seem to offer a pretty wide variety of body conditioning classes. I don't have much pictures to share because I had to put everything away before class (and I'm pretty sure pictures are not allowed anyways.)

Pretty hardcore logo hanging outside their building
This was one of the classrooms.
As you can tell from the stand-up punching bags, this is the kickboxing room.
I sneaked a picture while waiting in the lobby to register.
Kickboxing gloves provided at Schulmman's MMA
The staff was very professional and friendly and the lady who was in charge of registration really tried to help us by asking our purpose and goals for joining their center. I just told her I wanted to try it for fun but Jocelyn was more serious about taking classes regularly. So Jocelyn's friends and foes better watch out because this girl is going to learn to kick some butts!

The lesson was PRETTY intense. It lasted for slightly over an hour and I was pretty much knocked out by the end (not to mention the soreness next morning.) It was a really cool class though, and I would definitely consider taking more classes but as of now, I'm going to stick to my good old jog in the morning.

Since I don't have any kickboxing pictures, here's me goofing off on the street after the lesson.

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